He took
He blessed
He broke
He gave

Our Liturgy
Worship is the special honor we pay to God when we come together as His Church. We worship in many ways: by hymns of praise, by bowing and making the sign of the cross toward His altar, by celebration of the sacraments, and inwardly by offering ourselves to His service.
At St. Stephen’s Anglican, our corporate worship is ordered by the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. This traditional English liturgy is drawn from Scripture and ancient Christian sources. The unhurried, formal language of the prayerbook may sound strange and old-fashioned at first, but these reverent words, repeated week to week, help to shape us as worshipers in spirit and in truth.
We are happy for you to worship with us. Follow along in the prayerbook, or simply listen and let God speak to you. Each time you return, you will find the rhythms of Christian worship working themselves more deeply into your life.
Liturgy of the Word
The first part of the traditional liturgy, celebrated by all Christians throughout history and throughout the world, derives from the Jewish synagogue service. The Scriptures are read and proclaimed from the pulpit, continuing the teaching ministry of Jesus Christ.
Liturgy of the Sacrament
The second part of the traditional liturgy is uniquely Christian, instituted by Jesus Christ on the night of His betrayal, and replaces the sacrificial liturgies of the Jerusalem Temple. Jesus, our heavenly High Priest, fully offers Himself to His people, once for all, on the cross. In the Sacrament of Communion, we unite our own gifts, our souls and bodies, to His, as He feeds us with Himself. With the hosts of Heaven, the saints and angels, we cry “Holy, Holy, Holy” to our Triune God.

Questions? Want to plan a visit? We’d love to hear from you.